My son
(12 at the time) drew a banana. It wasn’t a
classically-shaped fruit.
why he chose that particular one to draw.
was impressed at how three-dimensional his drawing was.
And how much it looked like the real banana which he drew.
teacher at school told him to do it again.
She said it didn’t look like a banana at all.
“Bananas don’t look like that”, she said.
“It’s the wrong shape”.
What is
“right” and what is “wrong”?
It may be art….but is it a banana?
It may be a banana….but is it art?
You be the judge!
“Next time”, we said, “we’ll take a picture of the original!”
couldn’t find another banana to draw….so he drew a lemon instead.
We took a picture of the original. And here too, is my son’s drawing of that original.
teacher took in my son's drawing (and the photograph) without comment.